Permanent exhibition of miniature arts from the 16th to the 20th century

Miniatiūrų muziejaus (Juodkrantė) ekspozicijos fragmentai. Antano Lukšėno nuotraukos
Fragment of the exposition. Photo by A. Lukšėnas

The exposition contains over 300 works – miniature paintings from the 16th–20th centuries known for their subtle imagery, such as landscapes, portraits, and compositions of religious, mythological and everyday life genres. The works which have been produced using various techniques and are exquisitely framed represent the different French, Austrian, German, Russian, Polish and Lithuanian schools.

A highlight is a series of medallions on the 1812 war theme by Fiodor Tolstoy who founded the medal department at the St. Petersburg Academy. A small 16th century plaquette bearing the image of Lithuanian Grand Duke Sigismund the Old is considered very valuable. Coloured copper etchings introduce costumes in history.

Lida Meškaitytė. Landscape. 1966

The exposition contains many pictures, boxes and wallets using embroidery techniques (decoration with coloured glass beads); tiny porcelain and faience sculptures, table decorations and other works.

An important part of the exposition are small painting pearls – watercolour miniatures by the talented, self-taught artist Lida Meškaitytė (1927– 1993). They subtly convey nature scenes from the village of the artist’s birth, Antšvenčiai (Jurbarkas district). Exhibitions are held at the museum during every summer season, and an outdoor exposition of contemporary Lithuanian sculpture is near the building.


Current safety regulations require the visitors to wear face masks and maintaining social distance of at least 2 m. Please follow the instructions given by the museum personnel and the signage that is placed throughout the museum floor to help encourage proper social distancing. Don’t forget to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow before coughing or sneezing. Exhibitions and permanent exhibits can be visited without the Green Pass.

33 Liepu st, LT-92145, Klaipėda, Lithuania
++370 46 410 412